457 Monitoring Service

Are you meeting your sponsorship obligations?


Did you know as a Standard Business Sponsor you have a set of obligations that are legally enforceable and require you to both comply and maintain the conditions of your sponsorship? This is known as Sponsorship monitoring and includes maintaining training, market salary and ensuring your employees are paid according to their original nomination and occupation.

In December 2017 the ATO will also start data matching their records with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

As a sponsor, you have an obligation to submit to a compliance audit which may be conducted randomly or as the result of a complaint by a visa holder or other party. There are a range of penalties that may be imposed if you are found to have not complied ranging from an order to rectify the breach to Criminal Penalties and Cancellation of the SBS.

We recommend that if you are subject to an audit that you immediately engage an experienced Migration Agent who will assist you in providing the information requested in a manner that will not further complicate the issue. It is often not apparent what the DIBP are searching for and only agents who have been through this process will have an understanding of the request.

We have assisted many businesses in ensuring their Monitoring event is professionally handled and that there is minimal destruction to their business.

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