Visa Cancellations

Have you received a Notice of Intention to Cancel?


A Notice of Intention to Cancel (NOIC) can be a very distressing notice to receive. Generally, a person will have breached a condition of their visa such as:

  • Failure to attend or complete studies
  • Bogus or misleading documents
  • Ceasing employment with your 457 sponsor and not finding a new sponsor in the requisite time frames.
  • Failure to fulfil a work obligation on a regional visa
  • A breakdown in a relationship for a Temporary Partner visa holder.

If you are in the migration zone (in Australia) you may appeal this notice. You will usually have 5 days to make comment as to why your visa should not be cancelled. The submission that you make will be the crucial piece of evidence that the DIBP will consider so it is an imperative that this is well thought out with appropriate evidence.

If you receive a NOIC please contact us immediately so we can help you work out the best possible response. It is important to know that whilst you may still have your visa cancelled, the evidence you provide in your submission will later be relied upon if you choose to appeal.

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