Chef sponsorship

How to sponsor a chef on a TSS visa

If you're a restaurant or hotel owner, finding chefs locally can be difficult and sponsoring a chef from overseas may be your only option. This post outlines the key things...

How to transfer a chef on a 457 Visa to a new employer

(Please note that due to changes to the 457 Visa program announced by the Australian Government on 18th April 2017, the information below may not be accurate. Please see our...

How to become a Standard Business Sponsor

Do you run a restaurant or other hospitality-related business and have trouble finding suitable staff? You’re not alone. It is well documented that Australia is experiencing a chef shortage with...

How to sponsor a chef on a 457 Visa

(Please note that due to changes to the 457 Visa program announced by the Australian Government on 18th April 2017, the information below may not be accurate. Please see our...

The Chef shortage – it’s not just in Australia

In recent news, we’ve heard a lot of talk about chef shortages in Sydney – but this isn’t just a problem for us Sydney folk. It’s an issue faced by...

Simple number crunching exposes the reality of Australia’s chef shortage

Justin Browne, managing director of Edupi, hospitality immigration specialists, analyses a medium sized restaurant's financials to shed light on the real reason why the industry is looking overseas to fix...

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