Australia’s migration program is returning to business as usual with changes to 408, 482 and 485 Visas.


Sep 23

Justin Browne

Justin Browne is the CEO of Four Points Immigration.

Australia’s migration program is returning to business as usual with changes to 408, 482 and 485 Visas.

As part of our commitment to keep you abreast of the latest developments in Australia’s immigration landscape, we are bringing to your notice some significant announcements that have recently been implemented.

These announcements directly impact many applicants who intend to apply for 408, 485 and 482 visas in the coming months.

Whilst the Minister for Immigration indicated in her recent announcements that there were many changes coming by the end of the year, to date they have been silent on how these changes are progressing.

The Cessation of the 408 COVID Visa

The 408 COVID Visa, otherwise known as the Temporary Activity Visa, had been instrumental in enabling individuals to stay in Australia for temporary work for up to two years at the invitation of an Australian organisation.

The Minister last week cancelled this visa effective 2nd September. Any applications currently in the system will be approved for a maximum term of 6 months. There remains a concession for existing 408 Covid Visa holders to make a further application until the 31st of January 2024. This will be at a cost of $405.00 and will be approved for a 6-month period.

Individuals who were previously relying on the 408 Visa will now need to explore other avenues for remaining in Australia. If candidates meet the skills and experience requirements for the 482 visa it is our recommendation they commence immediately.

Labour Market Testing still applies, so if your employee has less than 28 days on their current visa they will need to make preparations to leave Australia.

The End of the Concession Period for a third 482 Visa

The 482 Visa, or the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa, had been undergoing a concession period, which allowed for a third on-shore application in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. That concession ended on 30 June this year.

Applicants wishing to lodge a third 482 visa must depart Australia in order to lodge the application. The Government has previously indicated they were going to abandon this rule, but to date, no further announcement has been made.

The End of the Concession Period on the 485 visa – Graduate Work stream

There have also been changes to the Graduate stream of the 485 visa which many students who work with you apply for. The Nomination of occupation is now required. The occupation must be on the Medium and Long‑term Strategic Skills List and they must have applied for a Provisional Skills Assessment.

The visa has reverted back to an 18-month term.

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