May 21
The Subclass 408 COVID-19 Pandemic Event visa, which the Australian Government introduced to allow critical workers to stay in Australia during the Covid-19 pandemic, has added Tourism and Hospitality as critical sectors allowing workers in those industries to apply to remain in Australia for an additional 12 months.
Temporary Visa Holders who are working in or plan to work in Tourism and Hospitality can apply for the Subclass 408 Covid-19 Visa up to 90 days before their existing visa expires.
For student visa holders who work in the tourism and hospitality industry, the previous 40-hour fortnightly limit that applied during study periods will not be enforced in the student is working in the tourism and hospitality industry.
These changes recognise the significant challenges the tourism and hospitality industries in Australia are having to find suitably qualified staff and provide international chefs and cooks currently in Australia the opportunity to remain in Australia and remain employed in the sector.
Click here for more information on the Department of Immigration website
There is nothing you need to do other than comply with any other conditions on your student visa. You must keep your attendance and other conditions of your visa in order. It is not clear if you can do 20 hours in another sector and 20 hours in hospitality, although we would advise not to do this.
This is a policy concession from the department and simply a ministerial announcement. There is no underlying legislation supporting this concession at this stage, similar to the concessions given through the initial lockdown with 482 visa holders. We recommend you keep records for all Student Visa holders VEVO checks and check every three months.
If you have any questions about the above please send them in an email to and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.
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Justin Browne
Justin Browne is the CEO of Four Points Immigration.